As part of the course requirement, you will give a 15 minutes short presentation on every Wednesday, in which the presentation time is 10 minutes and the remaining 5 minutes are for Q&A. Please choose one paper from the ICSE 2008 Proceeding. ICSE is a flagship conference in the area of software engineering. The presentations will help the class understand what is going on in the field and give you a chance to improve presentation skill.


Since you have only 10 minutes presentation time, please limit your slides within 15 pages. In the presentation, you are supposed to explain what is the problem; why solving the problem is important; a brief overview of the solution; and the result. Because your classmates may not have the needed background, prepare for questions regarding technical terms etc. The schedule is shown as follows. It mainly follows the alphabetical order of last names. If you want to change your slot, please figure it out on your own and let me know. Please let me know one night ahead about your paper selection so that I can post it on web.

Tentative Schedule
short_presentations.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/08 11:45 (external edit)
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